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  4. Church Magnet - 2.3125" x 3.75"
Church Magnet - 2.3125
Church Magnet - 2.3125' x 3.75'

Church Magnet - 2.3125" x 3.75"

Retail Price:$0.54
Item Number: MT-CHURCH1
Price Range: $.14 - $.46 ea.

See quantity pricing below, select thickness, upload artwork, provide instructions, and receive a FREE design proof.

Quantity Price
500 - 999 $0.51
1000 - 2499 $0.31
2500 - 4999 $0.20
5000+ $0.16

<meta name="description" content="Our church-shaped magnets can be customized with any message, from service schedules to anniversary keepsakes." />

<meta name="keywords" content="christian, church shape magnets, church shaped magnets, cfatholic, religious magnets, spiritual magnets, custom magnets, custom full color religion magnets, church magnets, catholic magnets, holy magnets, cross magnets, Jesus magnets, custom Jesus magnets, church magnet, shape magnets, shaped magnets, custom shaped magnets" />

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